Dispositivo de visión nocturna digital Z555 4K HD IR con gran pantalla TFT HD de 3", botón de brillo en la oscuridad, aumento de lente 5x, zoom digital de 8x, con estuche a prueba de golpes, admite grabación de vídeo y fotografía, adecuado para caza
Código de Producto: GW41.0070
Woah, that's a clever gadget. My photo crazy son tested it. To set up, insert 6 AA batteries (not included). Then switch on and focus with the focus disc around the lens, keep rotating, it goes much further than it first seems possible. Then use the IR adjustment buttons to get the best view in the dark. The night view is of course black and white and awesome and a little bit spooky. For day view, keep the lens cover on as it is a filter. Day mode lets you see in color (you may have to press the IR button for it to change). You can record movies in AVI format and still images in Jpg. There is a close-up incremental button that can double the magnification. It comes with a USB cable so you can transfer your pictures and videos to a computer. The range is about 200 yards. We've tried it down in the garden with stills (see the two outside photos) at about 80ft and it's pretty good, but it's really for nighttime use where it's a lot better. Son is very happy with it since he's been trying to take fox pictures for ages and it's quite difficult since they like the evenings for their adventures when his camera can't really capture much due to bad light. This will be a very popular device for his fox spotting from now on. We watched the videos on the manufacturer's website, which explained some things we missed in the instruction manual. The 6 AAs can be used for up to 3 hours, which is easily enough time to watch foxes. You can use alkaline or lithiums. I imagine the lithiums will be the longest lasting of the two types. There is a 32GB SD card to store your pictures and videos on. IT has a tripod mounting screw on the bottom. Comes with a sturdy carrying bag and a neck strap. It does not come with a torch. It's a beautiful machine. There are other versions from the same manufacturer and some have a longer range but this is fine for spotting standard UK wildlife.
La visión nocturna es muy buena. Esto es realmente diferente del telescopio. Este es el dispositivo mágico para mirar cosas en la oscuridad. Es muy potente y puede ver doscientos o trescientos metros. También puede grabar videos y ver a través del cristal. La resolución de la imagen es 1920*1080. Se puede utilizar durante el día y la noche. La pantalla es a color durante el día y la imagen infrarroja en blanco y negro se muestra por la noche. Muy bueno por la noche, accidentalmente veo animales en el bosque, los conejos dentro de los 30 metros pueden ver, creo que será muy útil para las personas que patrullan de noche u observan criaturas nocturnas.
Me gustaban estos como un artículo recreativo o de caza. Sin embargo, no serían suficientes para fines de seguridad o de investigación, por ejemplo. La calidad NV se deterioró cuanto más se acercaba. Además, el uso de pilas AA para alimentarlo se queda corto en lo que yo llamaría practicidad. Sería más inteligente desarrollar algún tipo de batería recargable de calidad. En general, como dije, las características son de buena calidad para un uso general. No es exactamente recomendable para uso profesional.
received these and tried them out briefly during the day where they seemed to focus just fine. I waited until it got dark and found that they couldn't focus and only had a little over half a turn stop to stop on the focus wheel. I was about to pack them up for return but examined them first and could clearly see there was room on the focus wheel for more travel. I just applied some firm force to the wheel and it freed itself to continue turning 2.5 full revolutions. It seems that for daytime viewing with the cap on (with the small aperture) the focus range is smaller and there is a dimple on the focus wheel. Night viewing requires focus beyond this indentation. It seems that my indentation was quite stiff at first and took more effort than expected at first. After repeatedly traversing that indent point, it now moves smoothly and still provides a stopping point. This could be avoided with quality checks making sure this path is clear and also a better explanation in the manual under the focus wheel description. After that's done, I'm really impressed. They work pretty well. One concern I had that no one seemed to ask or report was IR light visibility. The IR light it emits is invisible when you look into the illuminated view. However, if you look directly into the light, it glows softly red, but it's not relevant at all. There are 7 levels of IR illumination power. At level 1 you have to hold it in your hand to see it. At level 7, it's still just a soft, non-obvious red glow that's not easily discernible beyond 10 yards. I walked out about 70 yards and then walked back (in the dark) had only an idea of where the light was and looked hard for it and didn't find it until 20 yards. I backed up until I couldn't see it at about 30 yards. This was outside at my archery range, so these distances are accurate. IR performance at level 1 is good for clearly seeing objects up to 30-40 yards. If you use higher power, objects will be overexposed and objects will be washed out. Level 7 seemed like too much at 70 yards. I have to go to another field to test it at 200 yards. So if you are using the correct IR illuminance level I would say the red glow is by no means a problem. Use a low power setting for animals that are close by and they will not see you, and long range animals will not see the high power IR setting either. The viewfinder has a rubber protection that adapts to your face. If you wear glasses, this rubber shield kind of sucks, but it's removable. However, if you remove it, the screen's backlight (even on a dim display) will be reflected on your face, which you can see (it really scared my horses). Since I generally wear contacts, this isn't a problem for me, but maybe for others. I just went out and got some good pics of my horses at about 50 yards on IR level 1 and am very impressed but when I try to upload these pics to my computer the drive is not recognized. However, this may be my PC fault as this is an old one in my workshop. I'll fix that later as I've already spent way too much time on this review. So yeah, once I figure out the focus issue I'm pretty happy with it. Edit; Added photo of horse at about 50 yards on a dark moonless night. But he is a light gray horse. I walk up the street to find a black horse in the dark and see how this works. Even a newer PC does not show the SD card as a drive when connected directly to the NV device. The SD card can still be read by removing it and reading it directly.
sensación muy extraña al principio pero una vez que te acostumbras son de excelente calidad a pesar de que el zoom es digital. Así que no esperes nada como buenos binoculares. Necesitarás muchas baterías, ¡así que prepárate! La pantalla es muy brillante, por lo que si usas anteojos y tratas de ir "de incógnito" se iluminará como un árbol de Navidad y terminarás con una cara de fantasma loco, como mirar un teléfono celular en la oscuridad. También funciona a través del vidrio si apaga la radiación infrarroja, lo cual es un buen toque cuando está en el automóvil mirando la 'vida salvaje' o incluso los parques para perros locales. Calidad decente en general, pero por el precio que debería ser: la visión nocturna es excelente, el zoom es promedio, pero como primera introducción a la visión nocturna, son bastante buenos.
producto decente pero no binoculares. Esta es realmente una cámara de visión nocturna: una lente es la luz infrarroja (ajustable en 7 niveles) y la otra es la cámara. Una pantalla digital proporciona detalles adecuados, que pueden ampliar hasta 3x. No estoy seguro de por qué afirma un alcance de 180 metros; pude distinguir detalles mucho más allá de eso. El anillo de enfoque en la lente de la cámara es un poco complicado. Si usa guantes, es probable que deba quitárselos para ajustar el enfoque. La duración de la batería se ve afectada por la fuerza de la luz IR: súbala al máximo y las baterías se agotarán mucho más rápido, por lo que uso baterías recargables. Un buen dispositivo, útil para observar la vida silvestre por la noche.
Tuve que devolver este porque el foco estaba defectuoso, pero estoy ordenando otro inmediatamente porque CONFIÉ en los videos y reseñas de este producto.
Vi muchos videos de YouTube antes de decidir comprar este producto. A diferencia del Nightowl, no hay fallas de diseño con las que lidiar y tener en cuenta. La capucha, que enmarca el campo de visión, se sella bien contra la cara y evita que entre la luz parásita. El uso de baterías de NiMH es sencillo y siempre hay un indicador de carga visible en la pantalla. Permite la visualización desde unos pocos metros de distancia y la imagen es clara y clara. Recomendaría este producto a cualquiera que supere a otro competidor.
Este producto es fácil de usar y excelente para ver de lejos de día o de noche. Sin embargo, el campo de visión está configurado para mostrar una distancia bastante grande. No puedes ver al menos 20 pies delante de ti. Esto es solo para uso remoto. Además, el producto no captura bien cuando hay una pantalla o ventana entre el campo de visión. Lo compré por diversión para mirar alrededor por la noche y, en general, está a la altura de las expectativas.
Muy impresionado con el Concepto K&F. La configuración de IR es fácil de usar y el zoom x3 es una buena característica. Relación precio-rendimiento. Los usé en un ambiente completamente oscuro, la imagen es increíble.