Pro quality camera bag at an affordable price
This bag is advertised as being "large" but it's actually quite manageable and would be a great carry-on bag that will fit beneath most airline seats. That doesn't mean that this camera bag is lacking in features...far from it actually.Inside the bag there are multiple form partitions that are customizable for the gear you choose to pack. The outside of the bag has a large zippered pocket that could fit a number of items such as maps and books or travel papers. On the inside of the front flap there is a large mesh pocket and two padded laptop and tablet pockets. There is a HUGE amount of room in this back but we're not done yet. One of the most impressive features is the tripod carry possibility. there is a strap at the side of the bag with an innovative fold down pocket at the bottom of the same side. This allows the tripod legs to fit inside the pocket while the tripod is strapped down securely at the top for carrying.All the zippers on the bag are solid and work great and the straps are nice and wide and extremely comfortable so far. The adjustable chest strap is placed so that ladies can carry this bag just as comfortably as men. A great feature!In the short time I've used this bag it's done nothing but impress me. If the construction proves to be as tough as it appears to be this is will be a fantastic bag to have on long and short outings when style is needed to mesh seamlessly with function.